Thursday, January 26, 2012

Getting Back on Track

OMG! I've been slacking!

When was the last time I posted a blog.....January 12?!?! How'd this happen?!?! I was doing quite well in posting blogs with only a few slip ups. Now it's been 2 weeks since my last post.

Let's see what has happened in these couple of, dance, running and baking....the same old things I usually do.

Work has been hectic (to say the least). In my line of work, this month is when I have the most work. Not only I have monthly reports to work on, there are quarterly, semi-annual, and annual reports that must be done by the end of this month. December reporting isn't a fun time! I only have 4 more work days left to finish everything.

Dance has been just as hectic since we only had two class practices for our 舞初め (first dance) celebration (will post a blog on my dancing blog soon). Had to make DVDs of practice so others could practice outside of class. I guess I should be fortunate to have a good memory.

Running.....I have been slacking a little in that area as well. I don't know why. The marathon is in a month! I guess I have to pick up the training. *sigh*

Baking...LOL! From New Year's the oven has been in use each week. From 乳団子 to  粘糕. Everyone asks where I find the time. Honestly...I don't know!

The last thing that has taken up my time was 舞初め. Even though it was supposed to start at 5:30 PM, when you perform, you have to get ready super early (well for me). I think I started getting ready at 2:00 PM. And the program didn't end until 8:00 PM-ish, but clean up went till 8:30 PM. So, almost half the day was dedicated to the 舞初め.

Now, I guess we are caught up. I guess there wasn't much that was interesting in my life....

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