Monday, April 16, 2012

Fail!....More Like Uber Fail!

Somewhat daily report, huh?!?!

I was waiting for someone to make that comment. Of course it would have to be someone who was actually following my blog...which is like only 3 people!

For about 2 months I have been on hiatus from this blog. Every time I try to free up time for going on to the computer....I fall asleep or my brain is too tired to function!

I can't remember the last blog I wrote. I don't even know when the last time I even posted. I am pretty sure it was before going Japan. Life just got so hectic in February!

Japan....oh how I miss thee. Maybe I should find a place to live in Japan! If I could manage would be perfect! In the past 5 years, I have gone to Japan 7 times!!!! That's at least once a year. For the past 2 years I have been going twice. Last year I went an extra time for personal reasons. I really had to get out of the state. This year it was to go to the Tokyo Marathon and in 4 months I will be going for Obon festival (I want to see the mountains be lit on fire!).

Tokyo Marathon is an experience that I will remember the rest of my life! 1--It was super cold. 2--I got my first injury from running! 3--I made friends with total strangers going to the starting line. 4--I got to see Japanese celebrities that participated in the marathon. 5--The energy from the people cannot be describe (to be close....AMAZING!). 6--I got an awesome medal and towel for completing the marathon in the allotted time! 7--Got to witness the kindness of others when someone hurled on the sidewalk after the marathon. 8--Got to cut through the coned off area so I didn't have to walk all the way around to get to my hotel (the shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line!).

I learned a few things from the Tokyo Marathon. 1--Wear warmer clothes cause I know I would've had less bathroom breaks if I was a little warmer. 2--Amino Value goes through your system faster than sports drinks in America (hence the many bathroom breaks). 3--Don't go climbing 1,000+ steps the day after the marathon!

After coming back from Japan, I experience the same reverse culture shock each year. Every year, it gets more and more intense. This time, I think I am still in it. Sometimes it hits me with depression....sometimes it hits me with frustration (a first for me to experience this year). Life seems strange to go from a metropolitan pace back to a country pace. Maybe if I go to Japan a few more times, Maui may be too small a place for me....nah I always get back to "normal" from my trips.

Before going to Japan, tax season started for me. It's a good way for me to make some extra $$$ (gotta pay for my trips somehow). Once I came back from Japan, I went straight to work. Craziness! After travelling for over 12 hours and only having 4 hours of sleep, I went to work! What a dumb idea!!! In the end, I left early because my brain shut down on me.

Today was the last day for me for this tax season. Time flies so fast! It doesn't seem like it's been 2 months. Maybe it's because I had so many returns to do this year. I know I should start studying for the CPA test so I can be more accredited to do tax returns....but I just can't find the time and the $$$. Of course I could sacrifice my Japan trips.....I don't think so...not yet!

What's next in my hectic schedule for this year....Obon season. May is the start with the Maui Matsuri. *sigh* I still have to finish sewing my club uniform! Plus, I would have to keep my other blog updated when the season starts. I also can pick up my running training now that tax season is done. I decided to participate in the Maui Marathon Warrior Challenge. I would have to run a 10K and 1 mile dash the day before running the full marathon. Before the marathon I have my other trip to Japan...which means I have to start planning my trip from now. Another thing that I should be planning is my wedding! After being engaged for over a year (?!?!) I finally figured out when I want to get married....November 1, 2014. What's the significance to's Hello Kitty's birthday....meaning Hello Kitty theme wedding. I wonder if my cousin would destroy the reception decor....

Sometimes I want to take a sabbatical from life when I think of the things I have to do....but is there such a thing. I've posed this question before and I have come to the conclusion that you could and it wouldn't be would be a drug-induced coma.

Gosh it takes me forever to write out a blog. It doesn't help I am multitasking while blogging. I am finishing up something I promised to my mom I would have done....LAST WEEK! Plus I am watching We TV to get some wedding inspiration. Sunday is "Wedding Sunday" on the TV station. Maybe with my kitschy theme, David Tutera would come to Hawaii and change the wedding.....a girl can dream!

We'll see if things change for this blog....I'm not making any bets....

1 comment:

  1. busy much?! but i've known that since...hmmmm...let's see...i first met you! ;D ganbare yo stacey! and let's look into david tutera coming to do a special wedding for you!!! :D
