Sunday, November 4, 2012

October....What Happened to You?!

It's already November?!

I missed the entire month of October to write at least one blog! I guess making a daily blog was a tad ambitious. I will take that into account when making 2013's resolutions....

Anyways, what happened in October to cause me to ignore all social media.....a number of things!

After the Maui Marathon in September, work just got busy and life got busy as well.

For work our examiners came into the office for 2 weeks!!! Because of this, some of the projects I was working on had to be put aside and gather some dust. Whenever that happens it seems like it takes months and months to catch back up.

At the end of the month we have the Maui Fair which is THE biggest thing on Maui. Every year I try to enter something in the homemakers fair. I don't know why I feel compelled to do it, but I do it and stress over it each year. This year there was a lot more pressure since I didn't enter anything last year due to mechanical failure.....(my machine decided to give me the finger the night before my entries were due!)

This year was an ambitious year! I entered 5 items into the homemakers fair. At least all 5 got a ribbon. It's just sad that the sewing section is so small nowadays. I guess no one really wants to sew or has the time to sew. I MAKE time to sew....even though it may mean sacrificing sleep!

Another reason for going to the fair for me is to take pictures. This year I didn't get as many pictures that I liked. Here's the best my eyes!

This brings us to the month of October which seems to have just passed us by like the wind.

October was a month of gatherings....whether it be parties or concerts...I was out and about each weekend. I think the first weekend I had a community service project for work.

The second weekend was the birthday photo safari for my friend Mel. It was an all day adventure that she and I planned for about a month. With Mel, you have get an appointment with her, hence planning a month in advance! We went all over Kula. The initial plan was to go to the Haleakala summit to watch the sunset since Mel has not experienced it yet. From there it grew to an all day adventure!

Our first stop....Maui's Winery! We were here a month ago, but since we were in the neighborhood we decided to go again!

It just so happened that the International Photo Walk was the exact same day and location we were at! So Mel and I decided to follow them around and make it like we were part of it!

After our wine and photos, it's time to go to our next stop....Sun Yat Sen Park!

It's really sunny now! Getting pictures were a challenge because of the sun. The park is very small, yet we found a way to spend almost an hour here. For some reason, more and more people started coming....are people following us? It was empty when we first got here. I guess that's a sign to head to our next location....the Kwock Hing Society Building.

This place was tricky to find. Google Maps, Wikipedia, Bing all had different locations for this building. What we knew about it was that it was on Cross Road. So we went off of that. We followed the entire Cross Road and almost stalled my car getting to the top of the road only to find....a dead end?!

So we went searching around the area and finally found the place! We knew no one would be here, since you can't find it! We had the area all to ourselves!

I guess we would have to ask the Kwock Hing Society to actually open the building up. Oh well....Mel was still happy that we found the place.

Next up....Kula Country Farms....Pumpkins!!!

Since we're making good time, we went the longer a way through Poli Poli Road. It's been forever since I drove on this road. I'm so glad that it's all paved now! Before I remember it being a dirt and gravel road majority of the way.

It's been a LONG time since I've been here!

It's time to look for some pumpkins!

I thought going later in the afternoon there would be less people.....what was I thinking?!

We had to park across the street, but not too far away from the entrance.

I was glad there were still a lot of pumpkins left (since it already was the 3rd weekend).

We went through the entire area. We even entered the corn maze. It's not really made for adults. If I had trouble going through the maze....Mel had twice the trouble since she's about a foot taller than me.

We're still not done yet. There's one more stop left! I have to change so we head across the street to Rice Park so I can change into warmer clothing. Time to make the hour long trek up the mountain.

We made it to our last destination for the day! OMG it's cold! Not too many people made it for the sunset today. But we did see a couple of people from the photo walk. It was one the optimal nights to be at the summit to take photos of the Milky Way. If we had better equipment, we would have been taking pictures with them. Instead, we just listened and learned the tricks to getting the shot!

After the summit, there was a surprise party waiting for Mel! She was truly caught off guard! Mission Complete!

The next weekend wasn't as eventful but it was close. The Lahaina Jodo Mission celebrated their centennial with a free concert. I never heard of Paix2 but I won't give up a free concert of J-Pop artist.

I was surprised the amount of people that actually made it to the concert. All the seats were occupied and people actually brought their own!

After the concert we had a short adventure in Barnes & Noble. We actually stayed until closing!

Check out the things we ended up buying at Barnes & Noble. Of course we won't buy books!

The next weekend.....Horror Movie Night. A friend decided the invite himself to our house for a horror movie night. We didn't mind, but thought it was out of left field from our friend. The same night.....we had a tsunami warning! What a hectic night!

The same night, I started my Halloween costume!

After 3 days for stress, I finished in time! The only Halloween treats for my year I will plan better!

One month of mayhem! What will this month bring?

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