Sunday, September 30, 2012

I'm a Warrior!...or maybe just crazy!

It's been almost 2 weeks since I participated in the Maui Marathon. This year I am in a new age category.....30 to of the most competitive age groups (>_<)

To top that off, I decided to enter the Full Marathon Warrior Challenge. I thought..."I have Friday off, so I have time to pick up my marathon packet." Boy, was that a stupid idea!

This year the Maui Marathon was sponsored by JTB! This means....more Japanese tourists to Maui! birthday! What better way to celebrate my birthday than to drive to Lahaina to go to the Maui Marathon Fitness Expo to pick up my marathon bib.

This is the first time I am going to the fitness expo on the first day. Hopefully I can find parking. That's the one thing I hate about place with free parking. You have to pay for parking!

I still say that the expo is quite confusing even though this is my third year going to it! When you first get there, there are tables set up outside, so you think "Maybe you pick up your bib here".....WRONG! At least I know that but all the tourist don't know that.

This area is the "finisher's shirt" pickup. This is quite confusing. You haven't done any running yet, but you can have a finisher's shirt....hmmmm.

At least I know exactly where I am supposed to pick up my bib. I walk pass all the booths and head to the end of the ballroom. I already know my number (since we don't get confirmation cards)....#4107! You need to know your number in order to get your number.

Time to go to the message wall! Each year I have written on here but I don't see it at the end of the marathon. I guess I am too tired to go find it at the finish line....

It was so funny that the volunteer manning the area thought I was Japanese tourist. It was the first of many to have that assumption about me.
Now that I have my bib....I can now pick up my shirts. This year I get 4 shirts! 10K run, Front Street Mile, Full Marathon, and Warrior Challenge finisher's shirts. I still think it's funny that we get them BEFORE the actual run. I guess it's to alleviate the amount of volunteers need at the finish during the actual run.

My time is done at the expo. Time to head back into town. I have a bon dance to get to! Yes, I am not going home to rest. I am going to dance for an hour or so and then head home!

It's almost 5 PM and I'm at Hale Mahaolu just to get primo parking for the bon dance!

Many are shocked that I am actually there to dance and not at home resting and getting ready for the warrior challenge. What can I say....I'm just dedicated to dance! That and all I have to run is 10K at 6:30 AM and a mile at 4:30 PM tomorrow.

It's 3:30 AM....why am I up?!?! Time to get ready and head to Kaanapali. I love running....I love running....I love running. I have to keep reminding myself that!

Today is run #1 out of 3 that I have this weekend!

Kaanapali parkway is so different at 5 AM. At least I find parking!

It's already light out. Finally people start showing up. 10K here I go! Hopefully I get a PR (personal record)!

The run was.....okay. It was fine until I had to run up the hill at the END of the run! Why do they do these types of things to runners?

1:04:something......a new PR! I beat it by 2 minutes!

Now time to head back up the mountain to dance! Yes, you read it right....I went to another bon dance. Everyone was shocked that I went. I wasn't 100% certain that I would make it on time, so I didn't tell anyone that I was going to try and go. I told them that I cannot make it to the bon dance. The weird thing is...I was wearing my running clothes under my yukata.

After dancing....time for some food! I am glad I had something ready to eat back at home! I had to eat fast. I was on a strict time schedule. Traffic to Lahaina is hectic during the afternoon. I have to get to the check in area at 1:30 PM. This means I have to leave the house around noon to be safe. The good thing was, I left on time....the bad news--I forgot my license and money back at home (>_<)

During the bon dance, I found out that Scott's niece was participating in the Front Street Mile as part of her cross country club. I was surprised! I had no clue she was into running.

So I waited around the check in area to find her.

I was very proud of her. She finished in 12 minutes!

After a whole lot of waiting it was my turn! As I waited, I had to act as translator for the Japanese tourist because they couldn't understand what Rudy was saying. I had a hard time understanding what Rudy was saying since he was talking into the megaphone.

I started getting scared. I didn't really train for this. I only started the week of the marathon to really train on my sprinting. I really don't have a PR for a mile. I can only go by my fastest average. As long as I can beat 9:30, I will be happy!

A mile is longer than you think. As I started running many start passing me. At first I was getting discouraged, but then I had to remind myself that I was aiming for MY personal record and not to be first. Plus I have a full marathon to run the next day.

As I cross the finish, the clock said 12:30. I had the WTF thought. Later I looked at my watch to see that it took about 8:30. I forgot that the men's masters started before the women's open so we were sharing the time.

The final results said that I ran in 8:19....another PR!

Time to head home and carbo-load and rest!

3:30 AM comes around really fast. It's time to get ready and head back down the mountain. At least I don't have to go as far as Kaanapali.

Getting ready for a marathon takes longer than you think! First I actually have to wake up and stretch. Then I have to get dressed. Then it's the important things like sunblock and body glide. After you're all dressed and ready, you have to eat something to sustain you for several hours. Then you have to pack all your gels and anything you may need for the run.

I made it to my friend's house around 4:30 AM. Time for us to head to the starting line which is only a 5 minute walk away! I guess we missed the group warm up.

I love running....I love running.....

This year's marathon was difficult. More difficult than last year. I guess it's because I cramped up at mile 6. I'm glad that I had my running partner this year. For 2 miles I cramped up. I felt really bad because we were doing so well up until then.

6:12:54 later.....we both cross the finish line! No PR but at least I finished! My first Warrior Challenge. I get 2 medals!

This weekend was packed full of craziness. Friday--went to pick up my marathon bib and went to a bon dance. Saturday--ran 10K in the early morning, went to a bon dance in the mid-morning, ran a mile in the afternoon. Sunday--ran a marathon!

I am very grateful for all the people who supported my craziness!

The funny thing is....I am considering doing this again next year!
Thanks to my friend Susan for taking this pic and cheering us on at the finish line!

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