Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012....The year of disappointment!....I think I bit off more than I could chew!

It's almost the end of the year!!!! Time sure does fly!!!!

At the beginning of the year I made my blog of resolutions. Let's see the outcome of those resolutions....

What I want to change:
  • I want to be more focused and balanced with all my extracurricular activities and hobbies (Japanese dance, running, sewing, reading, baking)!
  • I don't want to stress about everything that can go or has gone wrong in my life!
  • I want to be a little more organized around the house!
  • I want live a more healthy lifestyle (that's why I don't want to stress as much)!
What I want to accomplish:
  • I want to finish a marathon in 5 hours!
  • I want to get back into a size 1 or lose 20 lbs!
  • I want to keep this blog page as active as I can with all the randomness that goes in my life!
So pretty much every single one of those resolutions were a bust!....well maybe I did kinda keep my blog page active. At first I tried a daily thing. Then it became more of monthly thing. I guess I should change the name of this blog at the start of 2013.

Being more the beginning yes.....then I would get focused on one thing and forget about the rest which in turn caused many complications for EVERYTHING!

Stressing out....I guess I did less than my fair share of stressing. I mean it wasn't as bad as 2011 when everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. So I guess I kinda accomplished that resolution....more like half.

Things in the house are in disarray. But that's what happens at the end year. All the holiday things that go on and all, I just neglect the house thinking that the other half would help out....which he does! So I guess I can be grateful about that.

I definitely did NOT live a more healthy lifestyle. I started off the year with a cold and got sick 2 more times during the year. Plus I gained like 10 lbs. (yikes!) But towards the end of the year I got back on track and now things are looking healthier!

Finishing a marathon in 5 hours.....hah! I wish! This year was disappointment after another. My best time was the Tokyo Marathon at 5:40ish. Then it was the Honolulu Marathon at 5:57. My worst time was Maui Marathon at 6:10ish. But for the Maui Marathon I participated in the Warrior Challenge which took a toll on my body. No wonder it's a challenge!

Losing weight....more like gaining weight! Hopefully I can lose the weight I gained this year in 2013!

Keeping the blog active....I think I've kept it more active than I did in previous years. I just have to rename the blog since it's not a somewhat daily update. I will just make it a blog of randomness since that's how my life has been lately with all the things I do.

With all the disappointments of this year, I guess 2013 can be a better year of accomplishments! You have to have the lows to get the highs!

Well....tomorrow is the last day of the year! I guess I should get a move on thinking about new resolutions or just tweak what I wanted to do in 2012.

Are you making any new year's resolutions?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

October....What Happened to You?!

It's already November?!

I missed the entire month of October to write at least one blog! I guess making a daily blog was a tad ambitious. I will take that into account when making 2013's resolutions....

Anyways, what happened in October to cause me to ignore all social media.....a number of things!

After the Maui Marathon in September, work just got busy and life got busy as well.

For work our examiners came into the office for 2 weeks!!! Because of this, some of the projects I was working on had to be put aside and gather some dust. Whenever that happens it seems like it takes months and months to catch back up.

At the end of the month we have the Maui Fair which is THE biggest thing on Maui. Every year I try to enter something in the homemakers fair. I don't know why I feel compelled to do it, but I do it and stress over it each year. This year there was a lot more pressure since I didn't enter anything last year due to mechanical failure.....(my machine decided to give me the finger the night before my entries were due!)

This year was an ambitious year! I entered 5 items into the homemakers fair. At least all 5 got a ribbon. It's just sad that the sewing section is so small nowadays. I guess no one really wants to sew or has the time to sew. I MAKE time to sew....even though it may mean sacrificing sleep!

Another reason for going to the fair for me is to take pictures. This year I didn't get as many pictures that I liked. Here's the best my eyes!

This brings us to the month of October which seems to have just passed us by like the wind.

October was a month of gatherings....whether it be parties or concerts...I was out and about each weekend. I think the first weekend I had a community service project for work.

The second weekend was the birthday photo safari for my friend Mel. It was an all day adventure that she and I planned for about a month. With Mel, you have get an appointment with her, hence planning a month in advance! We went all over Kula. The initial plan was to go to the Haleakala summit to watch the sunset since Mel has not experienced it yet. From there it grew to an all day adventure!

Our first stop....Maui's Winery! We were here a month ago, but since we were in the neighborhood we decided to go again!

It just so happened that the International Photo Walk was the exact same day and location we were at! So Mel and I decided to follow them around and make it like we were part of it!

After our wine and photos, it's time to go to our next stop....Sun Yat Sen Park!

It's really sunny now! Getting pictures were a challenge because of the sun. The park is very small, yet we found a way to spend almost an hour here. For some reason, more and more people started coming....are people following us? It was empty when we first got here. I guess that's a sign to head to our next location....the Kwock Hing Society Building.

This place was tricky to find. Google Maps, Wikipedia, Bing all had different locations for this building. What we knew about it was that it was on Cross Road. So we went off of that. We followed the entire Cross Road and almost stalled my car getting to the top of the road only to find....a dead end?!

So we went searching around the area and finally found the place! We knew no one would be here, since you can't find it! We had the area all to ourselves!

I guess we would have to ask the Kwock Hing Society to actually open the building up. Oh well....Mel was still happy that we found the place.

Next up....Kula Country Farms....Pumpkins!!!

Since we're making good time, we went the longer a way through Poli Poli Road. It's been forever since I drove on this road. I'm so glad that it's all paved now! Before I remember it being a dirt and gravel road majority of the way.

It's been a LONG time since I've been here!

It's time to look for some pumpkins!

I thought going later in the afternoon there would be less people.....what was I thinking?!

We had to park across the street, but not too far away from the entrance.

I was glad there were still a lot of pumpkins left (since it already was the 3rd weekend).

We went through the entire area. We even entered the corn maze. It's not really made for adults. If I had trouble going through the maze....Mel had twice the trouble since she's about a foot taller than me.

We're still not done yet. There's one more stop left! I have to change so we head across the street to Rice Park so I can change into warmer clothing. Time to make the hour long trek up the mountain.

We made it to our last destination for the day! OMG it's cold! Not too many people made it for the sunset today. But we did see a couple of people from the photo walk. It was one the optimal nights to be at the summit to take photos of the Milky Way. If we had better equipment, we would have been taking pictures with them. Instead, we just listened and learned the tricks to getting the shot!

After the summit, there was a surprise party waiting for Mel! She was truly caught off guard! Mission Complete!

The next weekend wasn't as eventful but it was close. The Lahaina Jodo Mission celebrated their centennial with a free concert. I never heard of Paix2 but I won't give up a free concert of J-Pop artist.

I was surprised the amount of people that actually made it to the concert. All the seats were occupied and people actually brought their own!

After the concert we had a short adventure in Barnes & Noble. We actually stayed until closing!

Check out the things we ended up buying at Barnes & Noble. Of course we won't buy books!

The next weekend.....Horror Movie Night. A friend decided the invite himself to our house for a horror movie night. We didn't mind, but thought it was out of left field from our friend. The same night.....we had a tsunami warning! What a hectic night!

The same night, I started my Halloween costume!

After 3 days for stress, I finished in time! The only Halloween treats for my year I will plan better!

One month of mayhem! What will this month bring?

Sunday, September 30, 2012

I'm a Warrior!...or maybe just crazy!

It's been almost 2 weeks since I participated in the Maui Marathon. This year I am in a new age category.....30 to of the most competitive age groups (>_<)

To top that off, I decided to enter the Full Marathon Warrior Challenge. I thought..."I have Friday off, so I have time to pick up my marathon packet." Boy, was that a stupid idea!

This year the Maui Marathon was sponsored by JTB! This means....more Japanese tourists to Maui! birthday! What better way to celebrate my birthday than to drive to Lahaina to go to the Maui Marathon Fitness Expo to pick up my marathon bib.

This is the first time I am going to the fitness expo on the first day. Hopefully I can find parking. That's the one thing I hate about place with free parking. You have to pay for parking!

I still say that the expo is quite confusing even though this is my third year going to it! When you first get there, there are tables set up outside, so you think "Maybe you pick up your bib here".....WRONG! At least I know that but all the tourist don't know that.

This area is the "finisher's shirt" pickup. This is quite confusing. You haven't done any running yet, but you can have a finisher's shirt....hmmmm.

At least I know exactly where I am supposed to pick up my bib. I walk pass all the booths and head to the end of the ballroom. I already know my number (since we don't get confirmation cards)....#4107! You need to know your number in order to get your number.

Time to go to the message wall! Each year I have written on here but I don't see it at the end of the marathon. I guess I am too tired to go find it at the finish line....

It was so funny that the volunteer manning the area thought I was Japanese tourist. It was the first of many to have that assumption about me.
Now that I have my bib....I can now pick up my shirts. This year I get 4 shirts! 10K run, Front Street Mile, Full Marathon, and Warrior Challenge finisher's shirts. I still think it's funny that we get them BEFORE the actual run. I guess it's to alleviate the amount of volunteers need at the finish during the actual run.

My time is done at the expo. Time to head back into town. I have a bon dance to get to! Yes, I am not going home to rest. I am going to dance for an hour or so and then head home!

It's almost 5 PM and I'm at Hale Mahaolu just to get primo parking for the bon dance!

Many are shocked that I am actually there to dance and not at home resting and getting ready for the warrior challenge. What can I say....I'm just dedicated to dance! That and all I have to run is 10K at 6:30 AM and a mile at 4:30 PM tomorrow.

It's 3:30 AM....why am I up?!?! Time to get ready and head to Kaanapali. I love running....I love running....I love running. I have to keep reminding myself that!

Today is run #1 out of 3 that I have this weekend!

Kaanapali parkway is so different at 5 AM. At least I find parking!

It's already light out. Finally people start showing up. 10K here I go! Hopefully I get a PR (personal record)!

The run was.....okay. It was fine until I had to run up the hill at the END of the run! Why do they do these types of things to runners?

1:04:something......a new PR! I beat it by 2 minutes!

Now time to head back up the mountain to dance! Yes, you read it right....I went to another bon dance. Everyone was shocked that I went. I wasn't 100% certain that I would make it on time, so I didn't tell anyone that I was going to try and go. I told them that I cannot make it to the bon dance. The weird thing is...I was wearing my running clothes under my yukata.

After dancing....time for some food! I am glad I had something ready to eat back at home! I had to eat fast. I was on a strict time schedule. Traffic to Lahaina is hectic during the afternoon. I have to get to the check in area at 1:30 PM. This means I have to leave the house around noon to be safe. The good thing was, I left on time....the bad news--I forgot my license and money back at home (>_<)

During the bon dance, I found out that Scott's niece was participating in the Front Street Mile as part of her cross country club. I was surprised! I had no clue she was into running.

So I waited around the check in area to find her.

I was very proud of her. She finished in 12 minutes!

After a whole lot of waiting it was my turn! As I waited, I had to act as translator for the Japanese tourist because they couldn't understand what Rudy was saying. I had a hard time understanding what Rudy was saying since he was talking into the megaphone.

I started getting scared. I didn't really train for this. I only started the week of the marathon to really train on my sprinting. I really don't have a PR for a mile. I can only go by my fastest average. As long as I can beat 9:30, I will be happy!

A mile is longer than you think. As I started running many start passing me. At first I was getting discouraged, but then I had to remind myself that I was aiming for MY personal record and not to be first. Plus I have a full marathon to run the next day.

As I cross the finish, the clock said 12:30. I had the WTF thought. Later I looked at my watch to see that it took about 8:30. I forgot that the men's masters started before the women's open so we were sharing the time.

The final results said that I ran in 8:19....another PR!

Time to head home and carbo-load and rest!

3:30 AM comes around really fast. It's time to get ready and head back down the mountain. At least I don't have to go as far as Kaanapali.

Getting ready for a marathon takes longer than you think! First I actually have to wake up and stretch. Then I have to get dressed. Then it's the important things like sunblock and body glide. After you're all dressed and ready, you have to eat something to sustain you for several hours. Then you have to pack all your gels and anything you may need for the run.

I made it to my friend's house around 4:30 AM. Time for us to head to the starting line which is only a 5 minute walk away! I guess we missed the group warm up.

I love running....I love running.....

This year's marathon was difficult. More difficult than last year. I guess it's because I cramped up at mile 6. I'm glad that I had my running partner this year. For 2 miles I cramped up. I felt really bad because we were doing so well up until then.

6:12:54 later.....we both cross the finish line! No PR but at least I finished! My first Warrior Challenge. I get 2 medals!

This weekend was packed full of craziness. Friday--went to pick up my marathon bib and went to a bon dance. Saturday--ran 10K in the early morning, went to a bon dance in the mid-morning, ran a mile in the afternoon. Sunday--ran a marathon!

I am very grateful for all the people who supported my craziness!

The funny thing is....I am considering doing this again next year!
Thanks to my friend Susan for taking this pic and cheering us on at the finish line!

Monday, September 10, 2012

逆カルチャーショック 大嫌い!~Reverse Culture Shock Sucks!

It's almost 3 weeks since coming back from Japan. 信じられない! Time seems to be flying at record speeds nowadays. I wanted to write a day-by-day commentary of my trip during my trip, but I never found the time do so. Either I would get to hotel late or be really tired from being outside the entire day or both. So I will summarize my trip in one sentence--It was HOT! (temperature hot, not sexy hot)

I won't be THAT vague...I'm not that type of person to keep you hanging!

Even though Jayson wasn't going to take a class to Japan this summer, I still wanted to go. I've got the Japan bug! Usually he would take the class during mid-July, but since I wasn't constrained to the time I went, I decided to go during August. Why August? August is usually when Japan celebrates お盆 (obon). This is when Japanese nationals visit their hometown to celebrate the ones that have passed on. It's a homecoming (alive and dead). During this time they visit the family grave and have 盆踊り(bon dance). Hawaii has taken this tradition and made it its own.

After much researching, I discovered that there's a special festival during the obon season in Kyoto, 五山送り火(gozan okuribi) or 大文字(daimonji) to the Japanese nationals. This ceremony is to close the obon season by lighting up 5 mountains/hills to guide the spirits back to the spirit realm. More about the ceremony later in the post.

As I mentioned in the previous post, there's usually a theme (reason) for my trips to Japan. The first 2 were for school. The following 2 were for school, but as a guide/adviser for the professor. The 5th trip was to experience my first real winter. The 6th trip was supposed to be with the school (but it got cancelled) so I went with a friend and rampaged Tokyo! The 7th trip was to participate in the Tokyo Marathon! So I had to figure out a reason for this trip. In the end, I came up with the Fire and Water Tour since I was going to be around either one during the trip.

Day 1 and Day 2 -- Half the battle is getting there

This year I decided to leave on a Saturday so I can arrive on Sunday. For those that haven't gone over the date line, going from Hawaii to Japan you lose almost an entire day. Plus I don't have a direct flight from that means I have to take an extra plane ride to get to Japan. My day started at 4 AM?!? Even though my flight is at 6:30 AM, I always have some sort of problem with checking in to my flight. This year.......nothing?! I thought "Whaaaa?!"

So what to do with this extra time......CAFFEINE!

After getting my caffeine, it's time to bide the time. What to do? Waiting at the gate, one of Hawaiian Airlines agents comes up to me and asks me if I want to change my flight to an earlier one. I hesitated cause this hasn't happened in a long time. So I get to go to Oahu earlier (as long as I get to Oahu, I am happy)! Waiting for my new flight, I get a special message from Melville!

Made it to Oahu! Now what is there to do.....wait and Facebook! That and to check into my flight....but no one is here yet not even my plane.

Plane finally arrives and so do the people that are going to be on my flight.....maybe I should have gone to the shopping area to kill time...oh well a little too late for that now. Time to head into the holding area before boarding the plane.

This time I am on the right side of the plane. Usually I am on the left side. Also, there's no one next to me! I am shocked! This is the 2nd time. I get to relax a little more since I don't have to worry about the person sitting next to me having to get out. 

yuzu kiwi w/snacks
Some things have changed. They changed the JAL drink. Instead of yuzu it's kiwi. It's.....okay. A little too sweet for me.

ice cream, salad, water, wine, teriyaki chicken
Time for some food! It's time to trick my brain for the change in time. I have to mentally prepare for what's to come. When I land in Japan it's going to be Sunday 2 PM and it's Saturday 11:30 AM. My meal is always the same since I don't eat beef or pork (but chicken and fish are okay for me).

JEN (JAL Entertainment Network) Guide
Now with a full belly, it's time to bide the rest of the flying time. Usually I watch movies until I fall asleep (you know....what I usually do when I am home--watch TV until the TV is watching me). No Kamen Rider movie this trip. So I choose to watch テルマエ ロマエ(Thermae Romae). Reason--Hiroshi Abe butt shots during the movie!

After the movie I still am up......what to watch next? I watch variety shows until finally I sleep!

snack time!
I have no clue how long has passed but the flight attendants have changed and it's almost time for our snack. This time I can eat it!

I see land!
After 8+ hours, I've made it to Japan! I've traveled into the future! I left Maui on Saturday 7:00 AM and now it's Sunday 1:00 PM?! I've been travelling for almost 12 hours....and I'm not done yet!

Time for going through immigration and customs. No pictures during this time. They are very strict on it. Airport security is constantly watching you...and they're stealthy!

This year in the immigration line, there were a lot of Chinese tour groups. I think there were 3 different groups that arrived the same time as I did! I cleared immigration with no problem! 90 day visiting Visa! I was one of the last to pick up my luggage...That's how many Chinese were in the immigration line! Now time to head to customs......Clear!

First things first in Narita.....gotta get my bus ticket! Yes, that's right....I have to take a bus to get to Tokyo. Not just any bus, the Airport Limousine! Next bus is 3:00 PM, what to do? Time to browse around the airport and buy my prepaid refill card for my cell phone.

3:00 PM comes around fast! It's time to head to Tokyo! It's time to take the 2 1/2 hour bus ride into the metropolitan city....yes you read it correctly--2 1/2 hours!

I usually bide the time with listening to music and taking random pictures out the window. That makes the time go a little faster! Soon I start to see familiar sites!
Completed Tokyo Sky Tree!
I'm so awesome--I get 2 beds!
My hotel is the last stop on the route so i know that I won't miss my stop! Checking in doesn't take all that long since no one really checks in around this time at a business hotel. I've stayed in this hotel last summer and enjoyed it! I get a twin room! I can choose between the two beds or put both beds together to have one huge bed!

I can't live without my internet, so I plug myself into Facebook and update my status.

Even though I've been travelling over 14 hours and it's 35 degrees outside, I manage to change my clothes and head out into Tokyo! Where to go is the BIG question?

I think I should have attempted to go to the Tokyo Sky Tree during this time, but no, I head to Odaiba since I don't think I won't have much of a chance getting to the area the rest of my trip! What's the big reason for going to Odaiba even though I've gone every time I've been to Tokyo? 1 word--GUNDAM! The 1:1 scale Gundam RX-78 is back! This time it's in the entrance way to the newly opened (in March 2012) Diver City Tokyo. 6 months ago when I was wandering around Odaiba for the Tokyo Marathon I stumbled upon this place and made it a point to see it when it was opened.

It was worth it since they have a 15 minute segment with scenes from Gundam. Plus, since it's so hot tonight, the exhaust smoke is actually cooling mist which is really refreshing since it's going to take me a while to get acclimated to this heat!

After the smoke and mirrors show is done, I head into the actual shopping complex. It's amazing the amount of stores in this building. There are no unoccupied units and there are sooooo many people. I guess since it's a Sunday.

It's been a looong day for me! After my short shopping stint, I head to the pier area. This is my fire and water tour. I should try and make an effort to take pictures of fire and water. Since I am in a port area, I have a view of the water.
Rainbow Bridge....that doesn't have it's rainbow....
Day 1 and 2 done......attempt on Tokyo Sky Tree tomorrow!

Day 3 -- 東京スカイツリー行くそう!(Time to go to Tokyo Sky Tree!)

I must have been really drained from all the travelling and wandering around in that heat. I woke up at 7 AM and felt so sluggish. I know I should have been out and waiting in line for the Tokyo Sky Tree but....I'm still in my room preparing myself for the heat I'm going to be experiencing!

I finally get out and head toward Tokyo Sky Tree. Since I'm behind schedule I opt for going on the subway, because 1--it's faster and 2--I can go underground away from the heat!

It takes around 15 minutes to get to Asakusa where I have to back to street level and head to another train station to get to Tokyo Sky Tree. At least things are labeled now with the Sky Tree finally opened! Prior to that I didn't know how to get there so I walked (like an idiot).

The train ride is only around 3 minutes or so, but I waited at the station for 15 minutes because Asakusa is the start/end point of the train line.
What used to be Narihirabashi Station
From the bottom of Tokyo Sky Tree

The beginning part to the unbelievable line
Made it....well to the station. Now I have to follow the flow of people to the Sky Tree. Maybe I should have gone last night because it's not looking good....

The line looks like it's going to take hours until I get to purchase my ticket. It's too hot and I don't have an extra bottle of water with me, so I decide to wait for the Solamachi to open.

I got to experience what it's like to be in a mob waiting for a shopping complex to open.....not fun! If you don't like your personal bubble being popped, then this is something you'd NEVER want to experience. For me I'm fine as long as you're not grabbing or groping at me.

I felt so discouraged, that I didn't do much shopping. I wanted to get to my next destination.....雷門(Kaminari mon)! I love going here since there's cheap items for Japanese dance! Another reason for my trip....adding to my Japanese dance wardrobe!

As usual, this place is packed with being one of the majority! Even though there's thousands of people packed into this one area, I still have ease getting through the crowd. Maybe I'm just used to navigating my way through the sea of people (since it is my 8th trip).
So many people even though it's 37 degrees!

After some retail therapy, I am ready to go to another area.....I just don't know where I would like to go.

The convenience of not being a teacher aide is--you can do whatever you want. Japan's mass transit system is so convenient and easy for me to use now. First I head to Ueno just to go to Ameyokocho. After getting to Ueno, I only pass through Ameyokocho. I guess it's too hot for me since it's a little after noon. I head back to the train station and hop on to the JR Yamanote Line.

I love the JR Yamanote Line since it goes in a complete circle! How convenient is that! You can ride on it and play roulette. It sucks that Japan is on energy's very hot outside and inside the train. At least it's not crowded so I have breathing room. I decide to get off at Akihabara.
This place doesn't seem to change for me! It's the geeks paradise! I always have to go to Yodobashi Camera. Even though I don't plan to buy anything, I go to browse all the electronics they have! Yodobashi is the one stop shop for all your electronic needs! They pretty much have everything you would want in new technology. If they don't have what you need, you can go out into Akihabara and find it.

It's shocking that I didn't buy anything! I could have but I am conserving my luggage space because I have another flight in a couple of days and don't want to run out of space! The are other Yodobashis around Japan so I can go to the other ones and purchase what I want there.

The heat is getting me. I head back to the hotel to rest and recoup. Yesterday and today I have been corresponding with a friend of mine. I want to rest since I am going to meet with her for dinner. I end up staying in the room the entire time until I have to meet my friend in Ikebukuro.

It's a good thing I had to do something similar last year so I know how much time it's going to take to meet up with my friend. From my station to Ikebukuro station is approximately 30 minutes on the Yamanote Line. That's the same amount of time it takes me to drive from my house to work!

Like last year, I get lost in Ikebukuro Station. That place is HUGE! It's a good thing I have a cell phone so my friend and I can talk to each other to figure out where each of us are. It's been 6 months since I last saw my friend Yu (pronounced 'you'). We have kept in touch via Facebook and email. I was shocked to find out that she was living in Tokyo now. It's good to see familiar faces when visiting a foreign country!

Yu finds a restaurant where I can eat and where she found a coupon for since she's on a budget. When we get there, the place is closed for the day. But there's another location so we head for that one which is on the opposite side of station we came from......

On the way, there's people on the street trying to get you to go to their restaurant. We get stopped by one, but he actually helps us. He calls the restaurant to make sure they are opened and points us in the correct direction to it. I don't think that would happen in I wrong?
Before we head home
Time seems to fly by as we talk and catch up on 6 months! And it's time to pay and both of us to head home!

Day 3 done....semi-successful. Tomorrow more water!

Day 4 -- Land of シェンムーand ラーメン (Land of Shenmue and Ramen)

Today I meet up with another friend. This time it's someone who took the course from Jayson and now is living in Tokyo.

Kai was the only other person that had free time to meet up with me during my stay in Tokyo. Plus he was willing to go outside of Tokyo and head to Yokosuka and Yokohama. Today I am finally going to visit the land of Shenmue (I hate that it's spelled like that).

After much discussion, Kai and I agree to meet at Shinagawa Station. It's been such a long time since I've been to that station and kind of dread it because I remember the people traffic there.

The first's raining??? Why today??? Why couldn't it be yesterday???

The hotel is very considerate of its guests. My room is actually in an annex building so I have to cross the street to get to the lobby. A bucket of umbrella were waiting at each end so you don't have to get wet. Of course I don't use it since it's only a drizzle.
As I wait at the station, the rain gets a little heavier.....That means I have to purchase an umbrella somewhere. It's good that all convenience stores have them for sale. So I'll just wait and see. Maybe it'll die down by the time I get to Yokosuka.

I get to Shinagawa ahead of time and wait for Kai at the transfer gate since we have to take a different line to  Yokosuka. I'm amazed at how this station hasn't changed since the last time I've been here! Every couple of minutes you see crowds of people from all different directions. I think there are around 10 lines the arrive around the same time at this station!

With some miscommunication, Kai is on the other side of the transfer gate and I was waiting around like an idiot thinking he was delayed on his train.

But it's okay. We aren't on a tight schedule like the class. Our train to Yokosuka isn't for 15 minutes so we catch up on recent things.....mostly about him at Todai (so jealous....)

It's interesting observing the people around you when you speak English. They look at you confused. You look like them but you don't sound like them. It's like they have an error message going through their brains.

We're going to be on the train 45 minutes....we better find a seat or else! We're lucky enough to find 2 empty seats by each other. Now to talk more English for 45 minutes!

I'm finally here! I am in the actual setting of my favorite-est game of all time! I don't care what other people think. シェンムー is the greatest game. It was sooo ahead at the time, graphics-wise. I liked the gameplay and story.

It's raining harder now.....gotta buy an umbrella before heading out! How convenient...a newsstand right outside of the train gates! I get my umbrella and head for my Shenmue experience!

on almost all lamp posts down the street
if you played the know
it's a souvenir shop
military fashion to be exact

It doesn't take us too long to go through Dobuita Street (the area that's in the Shenmue game). So it's time to the famed hill where Ryo Hazuki travels from his hometown of Sakuragaoka to Dobuita Street.

In real life, this place actually leads to a school. And past the school there's a hospital.

My Shenmue fantasy has come true! The geek in me!

As the stores finally open, we head back to Dobuita Street just to check things out. I told Kai that I was actually trying to find a place that sells the jacket that Ryo wore in the game. It doesn't have to be the exact one, but something luck.

plaque at the beginning of Dobuita Street
It's starting to rain a little more so we try finding a place to get out of the rain. How convenient....a shopping complex! I am actually getting hungry. So time to forage for food!

We're lucky we went here. There's a good view of the port area! Maybe there are some Mad Angels lurking about (game reference)!

With full bellies, we say good bye to Yokosuka and make our way to Yokohama.

The rain has stop (typical) as we wait for the train. Now it's just humid and more uncomfortable. Time for a 25 minute train ride to Yokohama.
Inside Yokohama Station is well kept....outside not so much.

We actually got off at the wrong station. Time to head back on the train and go to SHIN-Yokohama Station. 

What's in Shin-Yokohama? Ramen! There's a ramen museum there!

Shiny Okahama Raumen Museum????

entrance way
history lesson

this was a mini?!
ramen through the years

It was craziness! Even though it's 1,000 degrees outside, there are crazy people willing to spend money and eat hot ramen (yes, I am referring myself as crazy)! I am still stuffed from lunch but found some room to put more (mind over matter).

Time for what I actually came to Yokohama for....water! Yokohama is a port city like Yokosuka. Time to head towards the water!

The sun is actually out now! We see a ferris wheel in the distance and decide to head towards it. It's actually an amusement area. Near it there's a shopping complex! Time to head out of the heat and into some A/C!

There's a lot of people roaming around. I guess it's because it's still a holiday for most of the nation (obon). Kai and I stumble upon this area. All I could think was...WTF?!?! Japan loves Hawaii a lot! I guess it's like how I love Japan so much.

I always have the reaction of why is Japan so obsessed with Hawaii? But it's different for me because I have lived in Hawaii for all my life. To Japan it's me it's not really paradise. It's the same reaction with my Japan friends of why I am so obsessed with Japan. It's all about perspective.

 As we go through Hawaiian Town, we find Leonard's Bakery. Some associations I don't get. Japan associates Hawaii with Waikiki, ABC Store, and now Leonard's. I have to say though, Japan always finds ways to make food taste better than the original. I guess it's because it was made to order individual servings....but was rather tasty!
The sun is starting to set. I guess we both should head back to Tokyo! I still want to take night shots around Kaminari Mon. And Kai wants to go to school?!

Made it back to Asakusa and time to take pictures....but first....I'm going to try get into the Tokyo Sky Tree! I think it shouldn't be as bad.

 I get to ticket area and they are closing it up already?! It's only 8 PM and they are opened till 10 PM? They said they sold out for the day? How can you anticipate that? I know there must be a weight limit and all but how do you determine that? Oh well....there's always next's not like this is my last trip to Japan!
 Even though I'm a little's time to head to Kaminari Mon! It's like a deserted town now that all the stores are closed. The temple is still open to the public, but I guess without the shops it's not the most people. For me, it's the best time. No one is in your way for pictures. The lighting at night is gorgeous! I am in heaven!
no one in theway!
it's much prettier with no one in it

side street


It's been a long day....time to forage for dinner and head back since I have things to pack!

Day 4 95% successful....Tomorrow I say good bye to Tokyo!

Day 5 -- さよなら東京、ハロー京都! (Good Bye Tokyo, Hello Kyoto!)

3 days have come and gone in Tokyo. Now it's time for me to say good bye to Tokyo and head to Haneda Airport. It's time for my Kansai portion my trip!

I don't have much time today to roam around Tokyo so I decide to head to the airport early.

I realize as I am on the bus that I didn't go to Tokyo Tower even though it's less than a kilometer away from the hotel I was staying at....maybe next time.

This time it was really busy at the airport. I guess that's why people say not to travel during the obon season if you're a tourist. There were so much people everywhere! It took over 30 minutes to check my baggage in. Because of the wait I couldn't wander around the shopping area. My flight was going to leave in less than an hour and I wanted to eat something.

So I decided to go through security and find something by the gate waiting area. It looks like my flight may be full....not like 6 months ago where it was over half empty.

As I headed to the plane I was following this cute little boy and read his shirt. I had to laugh at the last line. The whole shirt was supposed to be dedicated to the Papa and somehow they stuck in the Mama.

It's been 3 hours since leaving the hotel! Majority of today will be travelling again! Now it's time to leave Tokyo and arrive in Osaka.

The flight is only an hour long and I still manage to fall asleep. I guess I was tired to have dosed off so easily....weird thing is, I fell asleep during the preparation for take off and woke up during take off.

Oh, Osaka! I'm only here for the few minutes to collect my bags and get my ticket for my bus to Kyoto. But I will be back later in the week to meet up with friends!

Time to take another airport bus to Kyoto. I made it in time to catch the bus at the 3 PM. If I missed it, I would have had to wait 30 minutes in the heat for the next bus.

random pic during the bus ride!
 It's going to be over 1 1/2 hours till I get to Kyoto! It's a good thing I have my cell phone! Time to mail people to pass the time. It's after 8 PM yesterday back at home, so I am sure to get responses....hopefully...
my lifeline during the bus ride
The bad thing about the bus to Kyoto only stops at the Kyoto Station. And it drops you off at the total opposite side of the station I have to go to! I have to lug my luggage (guess that's why it's called luggage) across the street in the hot sun and get to the opposite side of the station which is crowded with hundreds and hundreds of people! I was tempted to just catch a cab, but the stubborn side of me kicked in and I made it to my hotel.

This is my first time staying in Kyoto by myself. This is the first time staying at the APA Kyoto Ekimae Hotel. It's rather convenient to everything except for the airport bus....which I have to figure out how to get to when I am leaving since it's a different bus stop I have to go to...but I can worry about that later.
my welcome in my room

After 7 hours in transit, I made it to my hotel room and now I can't even relax. There's a fire festival I want to go to and I have to figure out how to get there. Time to set up the computer once again to map out my route. 

After reading everything. I get a little discouraged. 1--it takes about 2 hours to get there. 2--after the ceremony I would have to find my own transportation back (I am not willing to pay for a 30 minute taxi ride to the train station). Plus if I miss the train, I am not 100% where I can stay. So I cross that plan out.

I try to get input from my friends that are online. One of my friends reminded me about Sasayama. I almost forgot about that. Looked up the information and found out that it would take 2 1/2 hours to get there and the bon dance starts at 5 PM and ends at 10 PM. The last train is 11 PM. So again, if I miss the train, I will be stuck in Hyogo which is much farther than the other festival.

I feel so bummed now. Then I remembered that one of my friends had free time only today. So I have a ray of hope! He agrees to hang out. I am off to Ibaraki city (not prefecture). What's in Ibaraki....I have no clue!

It takes about 30 minutes on the express train. It's like being back at home. Not many people out and about. I guess most people just hang out at home during week days around this area. It's a nice change of scenery. My mind gets tired because of all the over sensory. I can feel my eyes always trying to look at everything and my mind cannot keep up with everything my eyes see. There's too much to process in the metropolitan city.

After a couple of hours of catching up with my friend Shinji, it's time to head back to Kyoto.

Day 5 let down....Tomorrow FIRE!!!

Day 6 -- The Hills are on FIRE!!!

Today is the reason for my's Daimonji!!! Yesterday was officially obon. Today it's time to conclude the obon season by lighting some hills/mountains on fire!

For a couple of weeks a friend from Maui and I have been planning to go to the Daimonji festival together. I don't know why, but I keep waking up at 6 AM. I have no clue what to do at such an early hour. I did plan on trying to run in the mornings but it's been too hot even at 6 AM. So I do what any other normal person would do.....I check my work email!

I get a little bored as I wait for my friend to message me when he's heading to Kyoto. So I decide to head out and wander around the train station. Kyoto Station is rather large. It has 3 connecting shopping areas to browse around. This is the perfect time for me to figure out how to get to the airport bus area.

I forgot how confusing it can get being underground. You lose sight of your bearings. At one point I was going in a circle. I think it took around 20 minutes to finally get to the bus area. Now hopefully I can survive getting here with my luggage and much more people walking around.

6 months ago there was Doraemon on the steps in the stage arena. This time it's Pokemon. I remember when it was such a huge thing in America when I was in high school. After time, it seemed like it died down. It's still going strong in Japan! How funny it is that this year we bring in Pokemon Ondo and there's Pokemon road show in Japan!

Finally my friend arrives in Kyoto and we can hang out. First! He finds a place that sets your ramen on fire! I was surprised that I didn't hear about this as I researched for my fire and water tour.

We head towards Nijo Castle since the restaurant is a block or two away from it. It seems like it supposed to be near the area but we get a little worried that we keep walking and nothing. So what do we do....we call the place. It's hard to describe where you are when you don't even know where you are. In the end, one of the workers comes running to meet up with us. I thought "what awesome service!"

When we get into the restaurant, it looks like they were waiting for us. I thought it was strange that they would wait for us....but I ran with it.

I guess a lot of foreigners have visited this establishment since the owner shows us signs in English as he explains all the precautions to the fire ramen. It's funny that I can understand what he's saying and don't need the signs.

The wait is's time for the show! All I have to say have to see it to believe it!
light my fire!

nom nom nom

めん馬鹿一代...most awesome-est place in Kyoto
After almost setting our eyebrows on fire, I suggest to my friend that we should go to the Toei Movie Land. Even though I have been there 2 times already, I can always go again. Time to find a bus stop!

I haven't gone via bus so when we get to the bus stop I don't really know which way to go at first. It's a good thing Frank needed to get something from the convenience store. I remember the convenience store and its proximity to the Toei Movie Land. So we're on the right track now!

Last time I was here they were filming for Kamen Rider Fourze (most likely the summer movie). This time there were 2 movies being filmed in 2 separate locations. I wonder what movies these were for. I couldn't recognize any of the actors. No pictures allowed.....of course.

After going through the entire lot, it's time to go to my favorite area......Super Hero Land! Here it's the tokusatsu geeks' haven. All Super Sentai (Power Rangers) and Kamen Riders (Masked Rider) are displayed here.

Double & OOO




gigantic Kamen Rider No.1
We still have some time until Daimonji Festival. There's nothing much to do. Guess we should just go back to the hotel and rest since we'll be on our feet the whole time. Frank still have to get a hold of his friends that are planning to watch the fires.

After finally getting confirmation for his friends, we make our way to the Kamo River. There can see a good view of the first couple of fires. First things first....time to purchase our and food!

Took a while to get our things that we rush to get our spot by the river. I'm getting excited! Mountains on fire....doesn't that sound exciting?

8:00 PM on the dot you can see the first fires being lit.

It takes less than a minute as the fire spreads and you can finally see the '大' character.

In about a minute you can clearly see the character!

After taking my pics, we have to make our way to get ready for the next fire. We didn't even get half way to the area when the I could clearly see the next fire already lit.

We all hurry to get across the street in the hopes of seeing more of the fires clearly. No luck. It's too far away. I did get to see partial of another fire...the picture of the boat.

3 out of 5 fires isn't too bad. Maybe next time I can try to see the other fires....I hope there's a next time!

What to ramen round 2! That's right....we're heading back to Menbaka Ichidai. Well hopefully we can catch a taxi. It takes almost 20 minutes to catch a taxi. That's how many people go to watch the fires. It was amazing seeing all the occupied signs lit on the taxis that passed by us!

Finally we get one. There's 4 of us so someone has to sit in the front. I get volunteered since I speak and understand the most Japanese. I was so glad that the taxi driver knew the restaurant because I didn't know how to tell him how to get there.

I had a conversation during the ride. Whenever I talk to anyone in Japan, they are always shocked that I am not a national. Do I look like a national? I don't think so. Hawaii Japanese-Americans have a certain look compared to Japanese my opinion.

The owner remembers us as we enter the restaurant. We have to wait this time, they are about to do a serving so we have to wait outside.
everything needs to be covered

after everything is done
2nd time around--it's still amazing! I have no idea what kind of oil they use for the fire....but it makes the ramen tasty!

I don't know if it's the alcohol in my system already, but the Japanese is flowing smoothly. So I have a conversation with the owner. This place isn't something new. They have been in business for 20 years!

This time I remembered to bring my ipod nano to record the amount of steps I take during the day. I cannot believe how far I went today. Not sure how accurate it is but we did spend majority of the day on our feet!

Day 6 successful! Tomorrow monkeys!

Day 7 -- Monkeying Around!

With the success of yesterday, I try for my next plan....Arashiyama! What is there to do in Arashiyama? There's a monkey park!

As I head towards the Tenryu-ji, I stumble upon these cute things. I wonder why frogs.....

It's so hot! I hope this temple is close. I don't know how much of this heat I can withstand today!

I cannot believe I haven't tried to get to this area of Kyoto before! It's so beautiful and peaceful. There isn't much people around me. It cannot be because it's's not.

If this place wasn't so serene, I think I wouldn't have been able to handle the heat. I was in awe of everything that I saw that I forgot about the heat!

This place was a little deceiving. The main hall is hidden and you have to walk a ways from the entrance. You first see the entrance to garden and then you walk a little further for the main hall. I wanted to rest first since I was feeling a little tired from the heat.

The pond is so beautiful and peaceful. I don't know if sitting down was a good idea. I didn't want to stand back up because I was so relaxed.
I have to force myself to get up and get to the garden area. I really want to see the bamboo grove! With that motivation....I force myself to get up!

As I make my way to the bamboo grove, I found these guys in a well. I guess it's something about Arashiyama. I have to read more about it.

I made it! The bamboo is really tall. Being in the shade is really refreshing!

Looking at the bamboo all I'm thinking about is "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"

After leaving the temple grounds, the pathways area lined with bamboo. I'm estatic.

Which way to go?

I don't know, but since I'm in the shade, I have more energy to walk anywhere!

Time is flying by. I should head to the monkey park!

I have to backtrack and go to where I started from.

At least there's signs to direct you in the right direction so I can't lost like I usually do!

It's afternoon already. Don't know good of an idea it is to be walking around in this heat. But I am determined to see monkeys. Because of the heat, they divert you along a longer path that's in the shade. It's good and bad that I have to do that....

My first encounter with one of the monkeys....I almost stepped on him! It wasn't my fault, he was sleeping in the middle of the pathway. I am so glad that I didn't step on him. Who knows what would have happened if I did?!

All the monkeys are lethargic since it's midday. Can't blame them....I would like to take a nap as well!
At the top of the park, there's an amazing view! The monkeys are so lucky to have a view like this!

My time in Arashiyama is done. Time to head to Gion for some yukata shopping! I go to the same shop I did  in February. I was amazed that the shop owner remember who I was. I lucked out....she was having a sale to clear out her summer yukata inventory! 3,990 yen for yukata and obi sets! I end up buying 6 sets!

I have to go back to the hotel to drop off my bags....6 sets of yukata are heavy!

After a little rest, I head back out to Gion to take night shots!

Day 7 successful! Tomorrow I head to Kobe!

Day 8 -- Beach Day?!

Only a couple days left until I have to go back home....I'm getting a little sad.

Today I am going to Kobe to meet up with my friend Frank. We're supposed to be going to the beach?! Me...the beach?! I hardly EVER go to the beach at home and I'm going to the beach in Kobe?!

It's a ways from Kyoto to Kobe. If I catch the Special Rapid Service on the JR Kyoto line, I can get there in less than an hour!

The train is so crowded. I guess a lot of people are heading to Kobe today. At Osaka station I get off the train so I can get on the next special rapid train and get a seat!

I am lucky to get a seat on the next rapid train. I guess I should be thankful for the reliability of the train system. I still get to the station early and have to wait for my friend.

Time for the beach!
they were entertaining
i went to the beach!

Frank and I walk around the beach while we wait for his friends to arrive. It's lunch time! Time to find food!

It seems like when I hang out with Frank all I do is drink and eat.....but I'm not complaining!

I really am not dressed for going in the water....we just hang out in the sitting area of one of the restaurants. As we are relaxing, it starts to rain. The beach clears fast! I don't understand. You're in the water already wet, yet when it rains, you run into shelter?

After the day at the beach we head to Sannomiya to hang out at his friends pub. But before we get there, we go to a standing bar where he frequents. I felt strange being the only female customer at the bar. Oh well not something new to me. I end up talking to one of the new girls in training.

We walk around a little until we get to his friends pub. It's still early so it's not too busy. After drinking the entire day, I am not in the mood for a drink. Instead I drink water....I think I'm dehydrated (I am feeling a little queezy). 
can't run away from Hawaii!
I think it's time for me to head back to Kyoto. I have a ways to go....about an hours worth of train riding! Time to say good bye to my Maui friend and new friends!

My train is 6 minutes behind? Not too bad. Got a seat! Ended up passing out....oh no! When I woke up, I got startled. I thought I missed my stop but I was at Shin-Osaka station and the train was behind quite a bite since it was past 11 PM (I should have been back in Kyoto). Fell back asleep and woke up just in time to find out the next stop was Kyoto! How did my body know to wake up? In the train was 30 minutes behind schedule?!

Day 8 successful??? Tomorrow Osaka shopping!

Day 9 -- 大阪、大友 (Osaka, Great Friends)

Two more days left! I'm sad and happy.....sad that I have to leave soon....happy that I get to see some of my friends today!

Time to get back on the train to Osaka! I only have go half the distance as yesterday. No luck with getting a seat.

Made it to Osaka! Seems like I never left! The only thing....the station has changed....yet again!

I have the whole day to shop till I drop....well actually until I have to meet up with me friends! Where do I go first.....Yodobashi Camera! I still have to buy the items I planned to buy in Akihabara.

After spending almost my money, it's time to head to Nihonbashi-Den Den Town. And I'm not going for what majority go for....I'm going kimono shopping!

Time to go to the second-hand kimono shop! Again, the lady remembers me. She tells me that I have a memorable face. Do I?

After buying 8,600 yen worth of kimono (3 kimono and 1 furisode), I head to Shinsaibashi since I have to meet my friends in that area. I think I can use up the rest of my time there!

6 PM comes really fast! Time to catch up with Shunsuke and Akira. I'm a little bummed that Kyoko couldn't make it. Everyone's busy nowadays. Hopefully next time I can meet up with her!

I think the next time I meet up with those two I should plan where we eat. We just walk around until we are approached by one of those people that attract you to go to their restaurant. I don't really care too much. I just want a place to sit and drink and catch up with them. A lot of things can happen in 6 months!

Day 9 successful. Tomorrow I head home......*sad face*

Day 10 -- 大きにジャパン! (Thank you Japan!)

My last day in Japan (T_T)

I am so sad. I still have to pack all my stuff and check out. I have an entire day until I have to head to the airport.

After checking out of the hotel, I have to figure out where I want to go.....


Where do I end up....Fushimi Inari Shrine!
I don't know why I'm always drawn to coming here. Maybe the scene from "Memoirs of a Geisha"....I think it's more than that. It was the movie that got me there but it's the shrine itself that keeps me coming back every time I'm in Kyoto or Kansai.

Today there seems to be construction going on. Again I have to make a detour....more walking...I'm getting used to this.

I can spend hours in this place....and I do!

I spend most of my day here and I have to head back to the hotel.

Before I go back to the hotel, I make one last stop to Yodobashi....just because.

Time to pick my bags and head to the bus stop.

I feel so weird lugging 2 huge suitcases and 1 carry on behind me, which total about 100 lbs! My hands start getting sore because it takes about 15 minutes to get there (about a block away underground). I have to go the long way since I can't go up stairs or anything.

I'm so sad. It's time for me to go to the airport. 1+ hour of riding.

This time I didn't have to shift things between bags! I check in with no problem and have a lot of free time to shop!

First something! Frank talked about a chicken sandwich at McDonald's so I decide to finally try it!

I was good but messy because of the sauce. I'm glad I tried it!

I have to find Kit Kats! I couldn't buy them during my trip since it's so hot that it would melt the chocolate. I spend so much money on chocolates that I have to restrain myself in buying more. I do want to save some money for the next time I go to Japan (yes, I am assuming that I am going back in the near future!)

After packing all's time to head to immigration. Time to leave Japan....nooo! It's too late they stamp my passport "departed".

It was a memorable trip! I was 80% successful in what I planned to do. 

I'm gonna miss you Japan!