Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Starting Anew!

Every time I try to start a blog page what happens....I just stop blogging all together! Yes, I do keep up in the beginning, then for some odd reason life decides to get all hectic and I have NO time to go on the computer to type a simple blog. I guess it's like when you start a journal in grade school. You start writing in it everyday and in about a week, something else interests you. Maybe that's wrong with me....I'm just too A.D.D.!

So, as a New Year's resolution I wanted to start a new blog page fresh...You still can see my old blogs if you want, but I will be using this page. I know the new year hasn't started yet, but I'm the overachiever!

To start of this blog page right I guess a reintroduction will be good. Not too many people read my blog anyways so maybe more will. (^_~)

This page will most likely show everyone how scatter-brained or, how I like to think of it, the multi-tasking skills of myself. Life's too short and I want to try and do everything I know I am capable of doing. Let's see...there's dancing (民謡と日本舞踊), baking, sewing, accounting, running, craft making, Japanese speaking, Japanese travelling, photography, etc etc etc! Pretty much each blog will contain something about the aforementioned.

Hopefully by blogging I can keep my mind more focused since I will be putting it down on virtual paper and not kept in my brain. I think I may be running out of storage space in there!

I will still keep my dancing blog separate from here since it will probably be linked to the Minyo group's page (a future project...hopefully). As a precaution (for those that haven't read my blogs) there will be times I will have Japanese, Korean or even Chinese writing. I am trying to learn Korean and Chinese; and I am trying to better my Japanese skills. What better place to practice than on your blog. I can screw up as much as I want and hopefully anyone reading will correct the mistakes so I can learn from them!

I wonder how much I will stick to this New Year's resolution? At least it's only the 26th of December, so I have a few days where I can slack off and then it's GAME ON!!!

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