Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Weekly Shenanigans

This is SO not good for me.....but I don't care!!!
Every Monday evening after dance practice my friend and I go to Tutti Frutti for some froyo and to hang out....mostly to hang out.

The strangest thing is...the owner is a good friend of my coworker. Recently my coworker has been asking every Monday "So Stacey, you going to Tutti Frutti today?" About a couple months ago they brought in brownies as a topping. One week they ran out and I was devastated (ok, it wasn't that bad...but still I was sad). Now I respond to my coworker with "It depends if they have brownies!...No brownies, no business!" This past Monday he called his friend to verify if they had brownies. As you can see from the picture above, they did!

Every time we go to Tutti Frutti a wave of customers always follows. My comment is always "It never fails!" We show up and then others just so happen to follow.

good conversations over a cup of tea
It's been a while since I had some Tutea Frutea (clever). So I decided to get Earl Grey tea. What was hilarious....we had to instruct the girl how it was done since she was new. She commented "No one has ever ordered tea before." We got that same comment the first time we ordered it a few months back.

I did forget to mention that I go to Tutti Frutti in my practice clothes (yukata) so it does get cold sometimes. And for some reason this past Monday I felt a little cold and needed some caffeine.

My friend and I bide the time by talking and taking pictures. Well she usually takes pictures and I talk. But this time I decided to take a few pictures since the table caught my eye. I've noticed it before, but I had the urge to take a picture of it this time. Maybe because it was extra shiny this time?

got some color in the reflection!
So how long do we stay there.....till closing! Most times we get there before 8:30 PM and they close at 10:00 PM. There are times when we stay in the parking lot after they close and talk...which we did. And here I am making fun of my aunt who can stay at McDonald's for over 2 hours with her friend every Sunday.

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