Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Weekly Shenanigans

This is SO not good for me.....but I don't care!!!
Every Monday evening after dance practice my friend and I go to Tutti Frutti for some froyo and to hang out....mostly to hang out.

The strangest thing is...the owner is a good friend of my coworker. Recently my coworker has been asking every Monday "So Stacey, you going to Tutti Frutti today?" About a couple months ago they brought in brownies as a topping. One week they ran out and I was devastated (ok, it wasn't that bad...but still I was sad). Now I respond to my coworker with "It depends if they have brownies!...No brownies, no business!" This past Monday he called his friend to verify if they had brownies. As you can see from the picture above, they did!

Every time we go to Tutti Frutti a wave of customers always follows. My comment is always "It never fails!" We show up and then others just so happen to follow.

good conversations over a cup of tea
It's been a while since I had some Tutea Frutea (clever). So I decided to get Earl Grey tea. What was hilarious....we had to instruct the girl how it was done since she was new. She commented "No one has ever ordered tea before." We got that same comment the first time we ordered it a few months back.

I did forget to mention that I go to Tutti Frutti in my practice clothes (yukata) so it does get cold sometimes. And for some reason this past Monday I felt a little cold and needed some caffeine.

My friend and I bide the time by talking and taking pictures. Well she usually takes pictures and I talk. But this time I decided to take a few pictures since the table caught my eye. I've noticed it before, but I had the urge to take a picture of it this time. Maybe because it was extra shiny this time?

got some color in the reflection!
So how long do we stay there.....till closing! Most times we get there before 8:30 PM and they close at 10:00 PM. There are times when we stay in the parking lot after they close and talk...which we did. And here I am making fun of my aunt who can stay at McDonald's for over 2 hours with her friend every Sunday.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

May Movie Madness!!!....and Other Craziness!!!

May has come and gone......and of course I've forgotten to post something during that month.

There's good reason for it....random craziness! Or could it be that May was just so epic! (I mean I still write 05 instead of 06 for the date)

During the month May, there were festivals, performances, the winding down of the school year and....MOVIES!

Every year, the first and second week of May is dedicated for the Maui Matsuri ( This means......performances and stress! I don't know why, but for the past 4 years I've volunteered to help my coworker decorate her booth. I always get stressed out (even though it shouldn't be). Maybe it's the competitive nature that I have in me. You see, each year they have a contest for the best decorated booth. Since I helped them win a couple of years, I've been recruited to help each year.

You'd think I'd stress more about the performances than the actual festival.....Hah! Performances are easy nowadays. It's just a good thing we perform as a group. If it was a solo thing.....then I'd stress! Also, we didn't have to participate in the fashion show. I know it's good publicity to help with the fashion show....but it's a lot of work getting into those clothes! Not only that, we have to change into our club uniform in 2 seconds!!

After stressing out on the decorations for the booth what rains! And majority of the decorations were paper! I guess that's a good thing. I was trying to get rid of those decorations anyways! 

But enough about dance....the most important thing in May is.....summer movies!!! Granted summer technically doesn't start until June....but who keeps track of these things. 5 weeks in May and we managed to watch 4 movies during the opening weekend for each! First to kick off the summer movie madness....Iron Man 3.

I'm not much of a movie reviewer...but Iron Man 3 in my opinion was quite weak. I'm not very familiar with the Ultimate series of comics or any recent Iron Man comics (like I have time for that...I used to). If you want to end a trilogy of movies, you have to make it bigger than the first movie of the series. Granted that whenever you start any series, you put your all into the first one just in case that's the only movie there will be. But after 2 Iron Man movies, you would think the 3rd would be a little more epic. But I'm not going into that since I really don't do movie reviews.

The 2nd weekend of May we went to watch...The Great Gatsby. If you didn't read that book, then it really isn't something you'd really HAVE to see. I've read the book in high school and really liked. If you ever read it, you'd know that the one gripe I have in the book is....the horrible grammar! But you still get the gist of the story if you correct the grammar in your head. The movie was like reading the book but a lot more glitz and glamour (it is Hollywood). I didn't really think that the main character was narrating the story from a psych ward...but it's something I wouldn't have thought. But I could see how the writers got to that conclusion.

The next weekend was a movie that I was anticipating to see....Star Trek: Into Darkness. My advice...don't see this movie when you're hung over. I was amazed that I lasted through the movie. Even though I was hungover and feeling miserable, I enjoyed the movie very much. I love the direction J.J. Abrams is taking the Star Trek series. It's a good alternate reality to see Spock as more human than Vulcan.

Next week, we went and did a double viewing. We watched both Fast and Furious 6 and the Hangover 3. I think we should have watched Hangover 3 before watching Fast and Furious 6. Fast and Furious was much more action packed throughout the movie than Hangover 3. I didn't expect the Fast and Furious franchise go this far. But now I'm unsure with James Wan taking the reigns for the final part to the franchise. We shall see. As for the was kind of a let down. After the first 2 movies, you would think the finale would be just as f-ed up and more so. The story was good but that's not what people want to see when it comes to the Hangover.

I still cannot believe we did all that movie watching and I survived not getting sick. I shouldn't be worried. I think my immune system is pretty healthy with all my running that I've been doing. It's funny that my parents ask me if I still go running. While my coworkers comment about how often I go running and why I am running so much. The reason I am running so much is that....I can't stop! It's true. When you get into running, not running feels weird. The other reason is that I want to do better this year. Not like last year, where I did horrible. I dropped the ball last year....or I just set the standard high with my first marathon back in 2010.

Anyways....May was crazy with movies...What will June bring? Probably more movies! That and dance!