Thursday, April 18, 2013

I Survived the Tax Season!!!!

Yeah, yeah....I know, I know....Monthly blog?! Hah!

Well there's a reason for not keeping up with my blog.....TAXES! Yes, that's right! For 2 whole months I worked 7 days a week. 5 days at my regular accounting job and 2 days with a CPA working on taxes. I have no idea how I survived those 2 months.

Let's recap of what happened these 2+ months I've been MIA to the world...not just the internet.

January - The calm before the storm....or so you think!

After the new year, there was no time to rest. There was 舞い初め (first dance of the year) for the Maui Minyo Kai. Then the next day was the Maui Oceanfront Marathon. Yes, that's right I had a dance performance and then the next day I ran a marathon. Crazy....just a little.

Jonah's back!
Saturday ladies with Sensei

Sensei Tasaka
Finisher's shirt before finishing?!
Another medal to add to the collection!

After that mayhem, some of the members of the Maui Minyo Kai went to the Japanese Culture Society's 新年宴会(New Year's Party). But first things first....time to give me a present for all the running I've been doing! So I decided to get the K-Drama phone....the Samsung Note II!!!
Maui Minyo Kai's table!
New toy!

February - The storm is starting to brew!

Packet has arrived!
First thing to happen in February....Tokyo Marathon packet! Yes, I participated in the 2013 Tokyo Marathon! It was my 2nd time participating. This year a couple of friends will be running as well! Group vacay!

A rare picture!
 I cannot remember when but I think it was February when my grandma's younger brother visited. It's been about 15 years since I last saw him and my cousin Neal. I couldn't believe that my cousin remembered who I was.

Time flies when you're I started working 7 days from the beginning of the month and now it's time for my vacay. But is it really a vacay when you have to run a marathon and take your friends around a foreign country....actually 2 foreign countries. This year I went to Korea after Japan! Here's some pics from the trip
Already used to this!
Osaka from above

The water froze over!

Traditional wedding ceremony

Korean food is awesome!
From the 2nd floor

Korean outlets are funky!
So you go to the 1st floor for work and 2nd floor for the club

In Incheon Airport

March - More mayhem ensues!

After coming home and reliving March 1st, I had 2 dance performances on the weekend. Of course I'm going to make it and go to work after them!

 Not even 2 weeks after running the Tokyo Marathon, I'm back on a plane to run yet another marathon....well, a half-marathon. It's the 2nd annual Honolulu Hapalua (half-marathon). This year I found out how much endurance I have. It poured the entire time! But things you do for a medal!

Got my medal!
April - I can see the finish line!

I couldn't believe how fast April came by! The first weekend....another run! That's right! At least it's only a 5K and I don't have to get on an airplane for it!

5 months....5 medals!
After all this mayhem...running, dancing, taxes.....I made it! I'm still alive! I'm still sane! Now what's next?!

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