Saturday, August 11, 2012

Japan Fire and Water Summer Tour

It's been 6 months since I came back from Japan...and now I am heading back! Why do I go so frequently......I have no clue! I just love Japan that much I guess....

Each time I go to Japan there's a reason for going. 6 months ago it was for the Tokyo Marathon. Today I go for obon. Even though I do not have family in the areas that I am going, I want to experience an actual obon festival. After much research, I learned of the 五山の送り火 (gozan no okuribi). This is a festival to end the obon season in Kyoto. They set 5 mountains on fire in succession!

After learning about this I looked for more fire festivals or any festivals involving fire. There a couple that I found and hopefully I can make it to them.

Before heading to Kyoto, I will be stopping in Tokyo for a few days. I tried looking for festivals there during my stay but no luck (>_<). So instead of fire, I will be going to the water. I will be going to port cities like Yokohama and Yokosuka. Plus Tokyo has Odaiba.

This is how I got the Fire and Water Tour theme!

So hopefully this blog will actually be updated daily for this trip. I will yet my best this time to document my travels!

もう 1時間ぐらい 日本来ます♪


1 comment:

  1. Have fun! I wanted to see that fire thing when I was there but I missed it. I should do that one year too.
