Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012....The year of disappointment!....I think I bit off more than I could chew!

It's almost the end of the year!!!! Time sure does fly!!!!

At the beginning of the year I made my blog of resolutions. Let's see the outcome of those resolutions....

What I want to change:
  • I want to be more focused and balanced with all my extracurricular activities and hobbies (Japanese dance, running, sewing, reading, baking)!
  • I don't want to stress about everything that can go or has gone wrong in my life!
  • I want to be a little more organized around the house!
  • I want live a more healthy lifestyle (that's why I don't want to stress as much)!
What I want to accomplish:
  • I want to finish a marathon in 5 hours!
  • I want to get back into a size 1 or lose 20 lbs!
  • I want to keep this blog page as active as I can with all the randomness that goes in my life!
So pretty much every single one of those resolutions were a bust!....well maybe I did kinda keep my blog page active. At first I tried a daily thing. Then it became more of monthly thing. I guess I should change the name of this blog at the start of 2013.

Being more the beginning yes.....then I would get focused on one thing and forget about the rest which in turn caused many complications for EVERYTHING!

Stressing out....I guess I did less than my fair share of stressing. I mean it wasn't as bad as 2011 when everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. So I guess I kinda accomplished that resolution....more like half.

Things in the house are in disarray. But that's what happens at the end year. All the holiday things that go on and all, I just neglect the house thinking that the other half would help out....which he does! So I guess I can be grateful about that.

I definitely did NOT live a more healthy lifestyle. I started off the year with a cold and got sick 2 more times during the year. Plus I gained like 10 lbs. (yikes!) But towards the end of the year I got back on track and now things are looking healthier!

Finishing a marathon in 5 hours.....hah! I wish! This year was disappointment after another. My best time was the Tokyo Marathon at 5:40ish. Then it was the Honolulu Marathon at 5:57. My worst time was Maui Marathon at 6:10ish. But for the Maui Marathon I participated in the Warrior Challenge which took a toll on my body. No wonder it's a challenge!

Losing weight....more like gaining weight! Hopefully I can lose the weight I gained this year in 2013!

Keeping the blog active....I think I've kept it more active than I did in previous years. I just have to rename the blog since it's not a somewhat daily update. I will just make it a blog of randomness since that's how my life has been lately with all the things I do.

With all the disappointments of this year, I guess 2013 can be a better year of accomplishments! You have to have the lows to get the highs!

Well....tomorrow is the last day of the year! I guess I should get a move on thinking about new resolutions or just tweak what I wanted to do in 2012.

Are you making any new year's resolutions?