Saturday, June 16, 2012

Yeah, Yeah....I Know, I Know....

Gosh....Time flies! More so, I just have too much crap to do!

It's been over a month since my last post...Some daily blog this has turned out to be. I guess I was just reaching for the stars with my New Year's Resolution.

I think it doesn't help that I work full-time, train for marathons, and dance. Not to mention that I have other hobbies I like to do.....baking, reading, sewing, playing video games, the list goes on and on!

I guess I have to do some serious prioritizing! Well, I think I've done so....after getting lectured at work. Work comes first (you know--since the other hobbies don't pay the bills!). Marathon and Minyo Dance comes next. The rest have to fight for spots in my hectic schedule.

Now that it's June my schedule is quite full for the next 3 months! It's obon season. We're already on the 3rd week! So every weekend I have at least one dance to go to....*sigh* Some times it can be tiring, especially on a work day. 8 hours of work then 2 hours of dance can put strain on a person, especially when you have to help lead the dance (you can read more about that on my dancing blog

I am pretty sure that there will be more blogs on the other page than this one since my life will get more hectic now that there will be 2 nights of dances for majority of the months to come!